University Learning & Teaching - Aungier Street

TU Dublin - Technological University Dublin

University Learning & Teaching - Aungier Street

Course Title: Postgraduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching

What is... University Learning and Teaching?

This new 30ECTS CPD award is designed for staff involved in teaching in Higher Education to develop the requisite knowledge and skills to be a more effective and competent lecturer and to obtain a nationally recognised teaching qualification (National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, 2016).

The Postgraduate Certificate is a heavily practice based course that aims to facilitate participants in the development of a capacity for their continuing professional development, critical reflection and a scholarly approach to the implementation and evaluation of teaching practices. Through varied forms of teaching demonstration, reflection in and on action, and engagement with theoretical principles and concepts, participants will explore and critically evaluate practice and convention in learning and teaching, from both a generic and a discipline-specific perspective.

Course Content

The course will take one semester to complete (September to December or January to May). Teaching methods will include a range of learner-centred techniques that encourage participants to develop their professional practice and their skills as a reflective practitioner. The practical focus of the work provides participants with an opportunity to practice or demonstrate a short “slice” of teaching (microteaching) and a “real-time” class (teaching observations) with class colleagues and tutors, and to engage in different peer review and feedback strategies.

Subjects taught

Year One

Semester 1

• Professional Practice in University Learning and Teaching [Mandatory]

Semester 2

• Professional Practice in University Learning and Teaching [Mandatory]

Entry requirements

Minimum Entry Requirements?

Applicants will normally satisfy the following criteria:

Hold a 2.2 honours bachelor degree or its equivalent, and have sufficient hours of teaching to meet the assessment requirements of the course. Prospective applicants should contact the programme co-ordinator to discuss entry requirements.

Application dates

TU052: September 2025 - Applications will open in February 2025.

TU053: January 2025 - Applications for this course are now closed.


1 semester, Part Time, Blended


Participation on this course involves attendance for a half day a week – usually Wednesday morning or afternoon.

Enrolment dates

Commencement Dates:

TU053: January 2025

TU052: September 2025

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Postgraduate Certificate

  • Attendance type

    Afternoon,Daytime,Morning,Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider