Web Development


Prepare for your career in one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

This exciting Level 8 Higher postgraduate Diploma is tailor made for graduates from non-computing disciplines and offers students a fantastic opportunity to up-skill and build a great career.

Why Study Web Development at Griffith College?

Designed specifically with the needs of industry in mind, the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Development at Griffith College is a 1-2 year programme, which aims to bridge the gap between non-computing disciplines and computing science.

Delivered on a full and part-time basis, as a graduate of this course, you will:

• Obtain highly sought after skills essential for a career in computing and software development.

• Fantastic job prospects with a 100% employment record from a sample of 35 graduates from our class of 2017

• Obtain the necessary skills and academic requirements to further your studies with progression on to the MSc in Computing Science and an MSc in Applied Digital Media.

Course Highlights

• Accessible to non-computing graduates

• Small class sizes

• Access to state of the art facilities

• A dedicated experienced lecturing team

• Industry guest speakers.

Subjects taught

Course Modules

Object Oriented Programming

The aim of this module is to teach the theoretical and practical application of basic computer programming techniques through to Object Oriented Programming and data structures and algorithms. Learners are assumed to have no prior knowledge of programming and by the end of the module they should be relatively proficient in all three areas.

The objectives of the module are to teach the learner how to design high-quality programs in a systematic way. They will be taught the basic control flow structures (conditionals, looping statements etc.) before being taught the techniques of object-oriented development. This will then lead onto a brief introduction to data structures and algorithms.

Relational Databases

The aim of this module is to teach the theoretical and practical underpinnings of modern database management systems by teaching the design and implementation of Relational Databases. Learners study techniques such as entity-relationship modelling and normalisation in order to more effectively design a database. Learners are also exposed to practical application of Structured Query Language (SQL) in order to implement, populate, query, and manipulate a database design into a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

The objectives of the module are to give learners the skills to model databases using E-R diagrams and ensure database designs do not have redundancy through the process of normalisation. Through the practical application of SQL, learners are able to create, updated, retrieve, and delete data from databases that implement their database designs. We also enable learners to integrate their databases with other components (self-developed programs) as part of the software development process.

Architecture and Operating Systems

The aim of this module is to provide the learner with the knowledge of how computers work. There are two main strands to this module, Computer Architecture, and Operating Systems. This module gives learners a grounding in how computers function at the gate/silicon level and also discusses and addresses the issues that must be handled by an operating system so computer users can concentrate on high level problems.

The objectives of this module are to introduce learners to computer hardware including the Von Neumann model of computation, the workings of number systems such as Binary and Hexadecimal through to the logic gates that make up a processor. In the later part of the module fundamental issues of operating systems will be addressed. These include dealing with processes, storage, and security

Computer Networks

The aims of this module are to enable the learner to design, construct, and troubleshoot computer networks. The learners will be given a grounding in the theoretical aspects of computer networks such that they could design and build a working web server environment and the knowledge necessary to investigate, assess and mitigate network-based issues that are experienced including issues relating to security practices and implementation as well as securing data at rest and in transit.

The objectives of the module are to give learners the skills to identify the appropriate LAN topology and knowledge of WAN protocols to correctly configure and maintain a web server in a production environment whether it be public-facing or internal only.

Web Development and UI Design

The aim of this module is to introduce the learner to client-side web development and UI design. Learners are given the skills of wireframing, UI design, responsive UI design and build in other to build appealing web pages.

The objectives of this module are to equip the learner with the knowledge to understand how the web works and the skills necessary to build compelling and usable web interfaces through the use of web standards for structure, presentation, and rich behaviour (HTML, CSS, and Javascript respectively).

Server-side Web Development

This module aims to enable learners to design and build dynamic, database driven web application.

The objectives required to meet this aim are:

To enable learners, building on the Web and UI Design module, to create ‘three-tier’ web applications, with server-side scripting languages, relational databases, and client side HTML front-ends.

To enable learners to build stateless and asynchronous user experiences and consider the security implications of such architectures.

Society and the Web

The aim of this module is to examine the social implications of a Web based technology, it studies broader topics on computer ethics and the challenges and implications of technology on society. As the information revolution in reshaping economy and social life, organisations (governments, corporations, and NGOs) and individuals are coming to grips with a wide array of ethical dilemmas, legal/political complexities, and management challenges. They also need to explore new opportunities offered by computing technology. In the global high-tech world, the protection of intellectual property, especially software, is crucial. Professional ethics must be emphasised more rigorously when the job market is fluid and computer technology is omnipresent. Other topics include censorship, computer crimes, wiretapping, encryption, privacy, network reliability, and safety. The course also examines risks from failures and malfunction of computer systems. The instructor encourages learners to find solutions (technical, market-based, regulatory, or social) to cope with computer related challenges.

Cloud Services and Platforms

The module aims to introduce the learner to cloud computing infrastructure. Learners learn state-of-the-art solutions offered by major cloud providers. Its main focus is on understanding the concepts and techniques which form the cloud infrastructure. A significant part of the assessment involves the learner developing a cloud application, deploying it to the cloud and configuring for an evaluating performance post installation. Assessment emphasises a collaborative group approach to equip the learners with the skills required to work in a successful agile software development team.

Professional Certification in PHP

This module aims to give learners an understanding and knowledge of the PHP language, its syntax, features, and data structures, its use in server-side database backed web applications and security issues related to its use. The objectives required to meet this aim are to ensure learners reach competency in the material related to a chosen certification exam, the ZCE 2017-PHP exam. Learners are in a position to take this examination having completed the module. Learners will achieve theoretical and practical skills in the PHP Basics, Functions, Data Format & Types, Web Features, Object Oriented Programming, Security, IO, Strings & Patters, Databases & SQL, Arrays, and Error Handling


The aim of the Project module is to get the learner to complete a large piece of Web Development work from scratch that encompasses the full three tier model of web application development (database, server side, and client side). Learners are required to design and build the application from scratch and to research and document the process.

Learners get the opportunity to work closely with a member of the lecturing staff. They are required to produce a complete software application and to document the process from inception and design, through to implementation and testing. They not only learn new technical skills but also learn how to conduct valid academic research and develop a software produce to industry standards.

Teaching in this module is conducted mainly through one-to-one meetings between the learner and the supervisor. However, in the early stages of the process the faculty organise a number of relevant seminars. Topics for these include, writing a project proposal, referencing, report writing, research skills, online resources, etc. The skills that the learners develop in the Project module benefits them in all areas of their chosen careers, either in the computing industry or in pursuing further studies.

Industry Placement

The purpose of the industry placement is to provide the learner with an opportunity to consolidate all of the material taught in the previous modules by applying it to real problems within a Web Development based environment. Given its central role in setting all of the other modules in the context of a working web development environment, many of the specific aims and objectives of the programme are considerably advanced by the industry placement module.

The placement involves a minimum of three months on the job training within a sponsoring company. The learner is monitored both by their immediate company manager and by the faculty placement coordinator. The learner is obliged to keep a record of their work experience during their placement. It is expected that through their placement they gain experience in a number of challenging computing tasks and have to meet the normal deadline demands of the industry.

Entry requirements

Postgraduate Entry Requirements

Candidates applying for this course should have a Level 8 Honours degree or above in any discipline or international equivalent and/or relevant work experience.

English Language

If English is not your native language, you must show that your English level is of a suitable standard. For further information please contact a member of the Admissions Team.

Griffith College is accepting the online Duolingo English Test (DET) as valid proof of English proficiency.

Application dates

How To Apply

Applicants can Apply Online.

Applicants over 23 years of age (Mature students):

Applicants over 23 years of age on 1st January (of this year) must apply to Griffith College directly online using the Apply Online facility on the website homepage. Mature applicants will be asked for a copy of their passport.


1 Year Full-Time / 2 Years Part-Time.

Enrolment dates

Intake Dates

We run one intake for this course, commencing as follows:

Autumn: September*

*subject to sufficient numbers.

Post Course Info

Academic Progression

Graduates of the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Development may progress onto a range of Level 9 programmes on the National Qualifications Framework. Further study options at Griffith College include an MSc in Computing Science (QQI) and an MSc in Applied Digital Media (QQI).

Career Progression

Graduates of the Higher Diploma in Science in Web Development will be highly sought after in this thriving industry. You will find opportunities in roles such as IT Manager, technical applications developers and consultants, systems analysts, database administrators, network managers and other leading computing science roles in academia, industry research and development roles.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Higher Diploma (Level 8 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Full time,Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider