Clinical Supervision

This one-year part-time course will give you the skills and knowledge to grow your career and pursue more senior clinical supervisory and managerial roles.

Our university-accredited course is open to experienced counsellors, healthcare workers, psychotherapists, psychologists and anyone working in the social care field who is seeking career development.

A broad-based, dynamic approach

You’ll study dominant models of clinical supervision including the Seven-Eyed, Cyclical and Integrative Developmental models, as well as learn more about power, diversity and learning styles. You’ll also explore ethical, legal and professional issues that arise within the work environment, and put your research and study into practice.

Led by specialists in innovative research, supervision practice and supervisor development, this dynamic programme gives you an integrative, evidence-based understanding of clinical supervision practice. Our teaching methods include role play, analysis of recorded practice, peer and tutor feedback and independent study. You’ll also gain practical experience in class and get support to help you find external experience.

Once you graduate, you’ll have the skill set and knowledge to take your career to the next level and pursue more senior supervisory and managerial roles in the statutory, not-for-profit, community and private sectors.

The Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision provides a comprehensive, university-accredited training in the dominant theoretical approaches, conceptual models and modes of clinical supervision, taking an integrative, relational and evidence-based approach to supervision practice. It comprises two modules and the indicative content is as follows:

Theory bound approaches to clinical supervision

Conceptual Models of clinical supervision

Individual, shared, peer and group modes of supervision

National and international qualitative and quantitative supervision research studies

Integration and application of theories and models of supervision to clinical supervision practice

Practice in individual, shared, peer and group modes of supervision

Consideration of different contexts of supervision – private, team, organisational and e-supervision

Development of awareness and skills in developing and maintaining healthy and productive supervisory relationships

Reflection and practice in attending to professional issues including contracting, boundary setting, managing roles and responsibilities in supervision, and ending supervisory alliances

Development of awareness and skills in attending to ethical and legal issues in supervision, including attention to relevant ethical codes of professional and supervisory practice

Development of capacity in working with multicultural competence, attending to diversity and power in supervision

Development of skills in relation to feedback, evaluation, report-writing and gate keeping in supervision practice

Practical, professional and personal development in clinical supervision.

Entry requirements

The Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision is designed to provide postgraduate education and training to experienced and accredited counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, mental health, health and social care professionals and supervisors who are seeking professional and career development.

There are two entry routes to this programme:

Applicants seeking direct entry into the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision must:

Hold a minimum of a relevant undergraduate degree (Level 8 qualification/ H2.2) or equivalent (for example, though not exhaustively, psychotherapy, counselling, psychology, mental health, nursing, community development, social sciences or education);

Have a minimum of four-years recent relevant professional experience (for example in psychotherapy, counselling, clinical/counselling psychology, mental health);

Successfully undertake a selection interview.


Recognition of Prior Learning Route

In line with DCU policy, students who do not have the appropriate level of academic attainment for direct entry to the Professional Diploma in Clinical Supervision may gain access via the Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL). RPL applicants will be required to demonstrate that their learning is comparable in terms of academic level training and assessment. This involves the completion of substantive written RPL documentation and production of evidence of prior learning activities such as accreditations, transcripts and/or references.

As a minimum requirement, such applicants will:

Have accreditation from a recognised professional body in the fields of psychotherapy, counselling, clinical or counselling psychology, or mental health;

Have a minimum of four years’ recent relevant professional experience (for example in psychotherapy, counselling, clinical/counselling psychology, guidance counselling);

Successfully undertake a selection interview.

Standard entry procedures for international applicants and for applicants with disabilities will apply.


1 year part-time.

Post Course Info


As university-accredited supervisors, you will have a unique and in-depth portfolio of transferable knowledge and competencies to provide high standards of individual, shared, group and peer supervision in the statutory, not-for-profit, community and private sectors.

It will also help professionals gain valuable postgraduate clinical/practice education, thereby helping them to progress in their chosen career.

More details
  • Qualifications

    Minor Diploma (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time

  • Apply to

    Course provider