Computer Science - Enterprise Software Systems - Waterford

The course aims to produce graduates who can: • Reason and problem-solve in enterprise software for business, industry and research; • Work in strategic deployment of enterprise software; • Develop enterprise software products and services; • Undertake research-based projects for industry; • Project manage in technical dynamic environments.

Subjects taught

Mandatory Modules:

• Research Methods & Dissertation Proposal (10 credits)

• Dissertation (20 credits)

Elective Modules:

• Agile Software Development

• Business Intelligence

• Business Process Analysis & Design

• Cloud Application Services

• Information Security

• Data Mining

• Design Patterns

• Enterprise Web Development

• Graph Theory and Optimisation

• Human Centred Systems

• Cloud Architecture

• Information Systems Project Management

• Mobile App Development

• Mobile Web Development

• Organisational Renewal & Performance

• User Experience and Design

Entry requirements

Honours Degree in Computing or equivalent.



Enrolment dates

Start Date: September 2024

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time,Blended

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