
The MEd is a two year part time programme.

In the first year students undertake three core modules (Online) and three modules in their chosen special option.

In the second year of the programme students undertake a thesis with the support of a supervising tutor.

In the first year of this programme, you’ll study a specialist area covering digital learning, leadership and education, physical education, religious education or social, personal and health education and wellbeing. You’ll dedicate your second year to a supervised thesis.

Grow your skills in a dynamic environment

The course encourages you to reflect on your own practice and thinking, while gaining a better understanding of educational research and theory. You’ll also benefit from a diverse intake of students and a dynamic learning environment. Modules are delivered in-person and online, so you can study from anywhere in the world.

Subjects taught

The MEd is a two year part time programme. In the first year students undertake three core modules (Online) and three modules in their chosen special option (delivery mode indicated below). In the second year of the programme students undertake a thesis with the support of a supervising tutor.

The programme commences in late September. Students will study two modules in semester one and four modules in semester two.

All taught modules will be completed by June, and the minor thesis will be submitted by June. Lectures take place on Tuesday and Thursdays. Each module consists of 21 contact hours.

Typically there is one assignment per module. In the main, this is an extended essay of approximately 5,000 words but may vary depending on the special option in question.

There are also two additional courses in Academic Writing and Competency in ICT that are completed on a Pass/Fail basis.

The pedagogical approach is interactive, hands-on and participative. It is intense and enjoyable. Informal and formal dialogue while working with peers in small groups forms an important dimension of the experience.

The three core modules will be delivered fully online in an interactive and engaging environment so do not require students to be on campus. Special option modules will be online for Educational Leadership, and Teaching and Learning. STEM Education modules will be delivered on campus and online. Poverty and Social Inclusion in Education modules will be delivered fully on campus.

Special Option: Educational Leadership

MEd in Leadership and Education is for teachers at all levels who seek, or are currently in, leadership roles.

This programme offers participants the opportunity to undertake a general study of the theory and practice of educational leadership. Its aim is to enable participants to understand and critique theories and practices of educational leadership in light of both current research and professional experience. The integration of theory and practice is fundamental to the course.

Module 1: Unpacking Leadership

Module 2: Leading in Climate of Accountability: Effective/Good Schools – How we create and sustain them?

Module 3: Leadership in Action

Special Option: Teaching and Learning

The MEd special option provides three complementary perspectives on teaching and learning that enable practitioners to gain a deeper understanding of their everyday work in schools.

First, the sociological lens prompts teachers to consider the issues presented to them in their classroom that may be within or outside their locus of control.

Psychology provides the second avenue to teaching and learning, and addresses how teachers may apply psychological theories to implement transformational strategies in their classrooms and schools. Finally, the module on teacher identity requires teachers to consider how their personal experiences, relationships and societal influences shape who they are and consequently, how they teach.

Module 1: Sociological aspects of Teaching & Learning: Education, Equality and Social Justice

Module 2: Psychological aspects of Teaching & Learning

Module 3: Teacher Identity and Popular Culture

Special Option: Global Citizenship Education

Entry requirements

Applications are welcomed from all those working in education settings:

• Candidates are required to have a Level 8, Lower Second Class Honors Degree, minimum H2.2.

• Candidates may be interviewed for places.

Due to the specialist nature of this programme, additional criteria may be used to assess suitability to undertake this programme. For further information, please contact the Programme Chair using the contact details below.

International Applications

International candidates are expected to have educational qualifications of a standard equivalent to those outlined above. In addition, where such candidates are non-native speakers of the English language they must satisfy the university of their competency in the English language.


2 years part-time, blended.

Enrolment dates

The programme commences in late September

Post Course Info

The Master of Education programme is designed to meet the professional and personal needs of teachers and educators. The programme is intended for those who wish to make a significant contribution to the enhancement of professional practice in their chosen special option by reviewing and systematically applying appropriate theories and research to their professional practice.

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Blended,Part time

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