Food Health & Nutrition - Waterfod
Subjects taught
The module will be delivered in the second semester of each academic year with online lecture sessions each week. Course days will be held during the semester to visit agri-food businesses where production, processing or direct consumer sales are being carried out. Case study assessments will be held during the semester at spaced intervals and the final written exam will be held at the end of the semester.
Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and comprehension of balanced nutrition requirements in the human diet.
Assemble the relevant factors and give examples of influences affecting human dietary behaviour.
Describe and evaluate the role of various non-nutrient ingredients in healthy human diets.
Explain and illustrate the vital role of nutrition in the aetiology of dietary related human diseases.
Demonstrate a detailed knowledge, and categorize the application, of food safety measures in relation to production and processing with an emphasis on organic food.
Appraise and critique contemporary published evidence and findings for developing human health and nutrition-related trends.
Select, interpret, and summarize relevant research and health study information on food, health and nutrition from a variety of literature and scientific sources.
Enrolment dates
Start Date: January 2025
More details
Minor Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)
Attendance type
Part time,Blended
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