University of Limerick
Journalism MA - incorporating MAJ Sport - News Pathway
Key programme benefits to future students
Our innovative and cutting edge TV and radio news days and newspaper production projects facilitate the creation of multi-platform content as part of module assessments, experiencing what it feels like working to real deadlines on real stories, while building a portfolio of work.
We help you to develop a critical awareness of the societal role of journalism and the broader institutional, organizational and political economic challenges facing the media.
Our practical, innovative approach to teaching and assessments, as well as superb networking opportunities through our adjunct professors and visiting lecturers, help ensure you are ‘job-ready’ after graduation.
Key Fact: We guarantee a work placement opportunity for all students in one of our partner media organisations around the country.
Subjects taught
Journalism - News Pathway
Autumn Modules
• Journalistic Writing for News
• Professional Skills for Journalism and Team Project
• Introduction to radio journalism
• Media Law
Spring Modules
• Advanced Journalistic Writing
• Investigating Current Issues in Irish Journalism
• Researching Media
• Broadcasting and Multimedia Journalism
Summer Modules
• Supervised dissertation project
Entry requirements
Applicants for the MA should normally possess a primary degree in any discipline with at least Second Class Honours Grade 2 (Primary degree: Level 8 - National Qualifications Authority of Ireland). Applicants should have a high standard of written English. No previous experience in journalism is necessary. However, applicants who have had articles published, or experience in broadcasting should include this in the application.
Qualification transcripts and certificates
A copy of your birth certificate or passport
A copy of your CV
If your qualifications have been obtained in a country where English is an official language this will suffice.
If this is not available, the following additional documents must be provided:
English translation of your qualification(s)/transcripts AND
English language competency certificate
1 year full-time, 2 years part-time, blended.
Enrolment dates
Post Course Info
Graduate careers
A Journalism MA degree from UL will fully prepare you for life in a fast-paced digital newsroom. The bespoke MA in Journalism, News and MA in Journalism, Sport pathways ensure graduates have the skillsets required to do journalism, as well as being able to pursue careers in related fields such as communications, public relations, marketing and content creation.
More details
Qualification letters
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
Attendance type
Blended,Full time,Part time
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