Livestock Management in Organic & Biological Agriculture - Waterford

Entry requirements

Applicants must hold a National Framework of Qualification (NFQ) Level 8 honours degree in Agri-business and Rural Enterprise, Agriculture, Environmental and Land Science, or other Science-related discipline. Offers will be made based on the applicant’s Grade Point Average (GPA). Applicants who hold a Level 8 degree in a non-cognate area may be considered for entry under SETU Waterford’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism and equal weighting will be given for GPA qualifications (50%) and a selection interview (50%) to assess prospective candidate’s aptitude and experience relevant to the certificate programme.


12 weeks, blended.

Enrolment dates

Start Date: January 2025

More details
  • Qualifications

    Minor Certificate (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Part time,Blended

  • Apply to

    Course provider