Sports Performance

University of Limerick

Sports Performance

Key programme benefits to future students

The aims and objectives of this programme, which includes a professional strength & conditioning (accredited) qualification, reflect our commitment to the development of insightful, competent, critical and reflective sports performance practitioners who have the following dispositions, skills, and content knowledge:

• Display originality and insight in the field of strength and conditioning for team and individual sports.

• Demonstrate the skills of utilising video notational analysis to provide feedback to individuals participating in team sports.

• Understand nutritional planning (assessments and recommendation) for elite sports performance and demonstrate competency in application.

• Understand psychological principles underlying elite sports performance and demonstrate the application of psychological skills training to optimise sports performance

• Construct a variety of integrated training practices combining sport-specific skills and related conditioning challenges to optimise player development and progression.

• Demonstrate an appreciation of current research within the area of speed sports.

Key Fact: The aims and objective of this programme, which includes strength & conditioning (accredited) qualification, reflect our commitment to the development of insightful, competent, critical and reflective sports performance practitioners

Subjects taught

Spring Modules

• Qualitative Research Methods

• Speed Sports

• Endurance Sports

• Team Sports

• Strength Sports

Summer Modules

• Professional Competencies I, Professional Competencies II, Professional Competencies III (three distinct 6 credit modules, each Problem Based Learning)

• Research Dissertation Development AND Strength & Conditioning (Professional Accreditation) AND Placement (3 modules)

Autumn Modules

• Research Dissertation

Entry requirements

An undergraduate degree, 2.2 honours (Level 8 - National Qualifications Authority of Ireland) or higher, with preference given to applicants with related subjects such as health, sports science, physical education, nutrition, physiotherapy, anatomy or human biology. Relevant work experience in sport will also be advantageous.

Entry to the programme will be based on the result of a written application and appropriate academic references. There will be no interview.

RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) entry will be available for those without a related degree.

Garda clearance will also be required for this programme.


1 year full-time, 2 years part-time, taught.


An Application Fee of €35 (electronically) or €40 Bank Draft/Cheque will apply to all taught postgraduate programmes

Enrolment dates


Post Course Info

Graduate careers

The first programme of its kind in Ireland, is now accredited and certifies its students in the following: Certified Conditioning Coach (CCC) accreditation; International Society of Performance Analysis in Sports (ISPAS) Video Analysis; International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK); ‘Cardiac First Response’ (AED).

More details
  • Qualification letters


  • Qualifications

    Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)

  • Attendance type

    Daytime,Full time,Part time

  • Apply to

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