Postgraduate study and qualifications

My postgraduate study: Eibhlis Crowley (Environmental Protection, IT Sligo)

environmental studies

Primary degree BSc in Industrial Environmental Science

Postgraduate qualification Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Protection (IT Sligo)

What convinced you to further your studies and why did you choose the course at IT Sligo?

The subjects on the postgraduate certificate course were relevant to my current role and I wanted to be brought up to date with current legislation and also to enhance my learning skills, so I’m very happy I made the decision to pursue the postgraduate qualification in environmental protection.

How does your postgraduate study differ from the undergraduate experience and what would you advise students to be aware of?

As I was working full time while doing the postgrad I did not have as much time as I would have had when completing my undergraduate. Time management is key and finding the right balance between taking time out for yourself while still concentrating on your studies and not to give up when times get tough! you will come across challenges during the course of your studies, and how you overcome them will stand to you when you encounter challenges in the professional world.

What is one of the biggest challenges you have faced to date with your studies and what did it teach you about yourself?

I think the whole process of integrating myself back in to educational studies after being out of college for 14 years, and focusing my mind on getting back into researching and studying was one of the more distinct challenges. It was definitely something different to the life I had become used to, but it was a process which I did enjoy and benefit from. I think it’s important to be very determined. once you put your mind to something, anything is possible and to never give up challenging yourself and never fear change.

How do you think your postgraduate study will add to your employability skills?

It has increased my knowledge of important environmental subjects that can be applied to any role in the environmental sector. It has also shown that I am capable of adapting to change, taking on a new challenge and an increased workload, having completed the postgrad while working full-time in a very busy role.

What are your ambitions over the next few years in developing your career?

I hope to continue to self-develop by completing additional courses and to gain valuable experience along the way.

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