Explore insight programmes on gradireland
Getting exposure or experience in a particular sector or industry is of great benefit to both you as a graduate and also for employers, who view such experience as a great boost to your employability. Short introductory sessions with an employer or a particular sector are often called Insight Programmes, but can also be known as insight weeks, spring weeks or open days. These programmes normally involve a visit, real or virtual, to an employer’s office where students and graduates can meet recent graduate recruits to the company and also management and senior executives. Insight programmes usually take the form of short presentations, or small meetings where you can really gain an insight into what the employer is involved in. Insights programmes are a great way to pick up practical tips and advice, which will add greatly to your application should you be interested in that particular organisation. For employers, insight weeks often provide them with a pipeline for future work experience opportunities, including work placement and internship opportunities.