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Explore all graduate advice and guidance on gradireland

On gradireland you'll find graduate careers advice on a huge range of topics – and we're adding more all the time. Compare career options with information on what to expect from working life in different sectors, then learn how you can develop your skills, gain work experience and succeed in applications and interviews. If you're not sure what you'd like to do, don't panic: we're here to help you take those first steps into making career decisions. We also have articles on how to make the most of uni life, organise your job hunt, juggle job offers and more. Whether you're in your first year of university or have already graduated, our career advice for students and graduates will set you on the right path.
Thumbnail image for Landing the job that’s right for you

Landing the job that’s right for you

Careers advice and planning

When you’re starting out in your career, you will hear a great deal about the number of jobs available. But there will always be challenges to succeed in landing a good job, particularly at the beginning of your career. In order to be effective in your job search, you need to be both resilient and systematic, in addition to remaining optimistic and realistic. Here are some steps you can take and some issues you will face.

Thumbnail image for Standing out from the competition

Standing out from the competition


When you’re applying for any job, distinguishing yourself from the competition is always a challenge. But this tough task can suddenly seem insurmountable when you’re applying for an extremely competitive position, which is the case for many graduate jobs and programmes.

Thumbnail image for Wonder what it’s like working for Dalata Hotel Group as a Sales Graduate?

Wonder what it’s like working for Dalata Hotel Group as a Sales Graduate?


Try the Sales Graduate role at Dalata and experience the perfect mix of hospitality and corporate business. Discover how your career will grow exponentially in this dynamic, customer-focused environment.

Thumbnail image for Graduate recruitment trends

Graduate recruitment trends

Careers advice and planning

A recent survey by Cibyl, gradireland’s research partners, gathered data on the views of Irish students and graduates. It found that on average, students are expecting to earn just over €40,000 a year in their first graduate job. 46% of respondents expect €25,000-€35,000 while just under a quarter of respondents (24%) expect to earn over €40,000.

Thumbnail image for Want to be the next Future Leaders Academy Tax Graduate at Deloitte?

Want to be the next Future Leaders Academy Tax Graduate at Deloitte?


Get a true feel of what it's like by listening to real stories from grads who’ve already been on the journey, and trying out actual tasks in the role.

Thumbnail image for Getting ready for your career: eight tips to help you succeed in your career quest

Getting ready for your career: eight tips to help you succeed in your career quest

Careers advice and planning

Entering the world of work, it can be daunting to decide your future path. Possibilities can become improbabilities, certainties can become frustrations, and you can find yourself over-thinking what skills you don’t have rather than realising what you do have and playing to your strengths. Here are some tips to help you on your way.

Thumbnail image for How AWS and the University of Limerick are shaping the future of Ireland’s workforce

How AWS and the University of Limerick are shaping the future of Ireland’s workforce

Choosing an employer

A pioneering collaboration between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the University of Limerick is providing students with the real-world tools they need to hit the ground running in the workplace.

Technology + 5
Thumbnail image for Amazon named a Top Employer 2024 in Europe

Amazon named a Top Employer 2024 in Europe

Choosing an employer

The Top Employers Institute certifies organisations which are focused on putting their people first through exceptional HR policies.

Technology + 5
Thumbnail image for Amazon in Ireland

Amazon in Ireland


Amazon has invested in Ireland for 20 years, opening our first office in 2004. Since then, we have continued to invest in the country and deliver a great experience for Irish customers, creating a wide range of jobs, and helping Irish businesses reach customers around the world.

Software engineering + 5
Thumbnail image for The Deloitte, Future Leaders Academy Audit graduate experience

The Deloitte, Future Leaders Academy Audit graduate experience


Try your hand at being an audit graduate at Deloitte! Gain insights that prepare you for the role and decide if this is the career for you.

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The creative job search: networking in the creative industries

Careers advice and planning

How graduates with arts degrees can use their creative skills to find job opportunities.

Creative arts & design + 5
Thumbnail image for Are you interested in the Risk Assurance role at PwC?

Are you interested in the Risk Assurance role at PwC?


Then why not hear from graduates who are currently in that role and get a true picture of what it’s like to work at PwC?

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We've got you

Get the latest jobs, internships, careers advice, courses and graduate events based on what's important to you. Start connecting directly with top employers today.