International Women’s Day 2023

20 Sept 2023, 15:00

International Women’s Day at Tirlán

Image for International Women’s Day 2023

To mark International Women’s Day 2023, we’ve asked some of our colleagues and leaders in STEM to step out and talk about their inspiration and career highlights to date. As we know there are many more to come!

At Tirlán, we’re marking International Women’s Day 2023 #EmbraceEquity with a series of events designed to spark debate, raise awareness continue to develop an inclusive culture.

One of our core values is Celebrating Individuality. We believe when people bring their authentic selves to work they feel a greater sense of belonging leading to greater innovation, better decision making and more engaged employees.

Kyeesha Glenn-Davi

Our R&D Associate Kyeesha Glenn-Davi talked about her inspiration to enter food technology.

“I got in to food science because I always had a passion for cooking growing up.”

And, for those considering a career in STEM

“Be vocal about what you are passionate about and the opportunities will come to you.”

Click here to watch the video

Aine O' Connell

Our Senior Project Engineer Aine O' Connell talked about her inspiration.

“I was lucky to grow up surrounded by strong women. My mother was one of the few women I knew that would drive a tractor around the roads, while my aunt successfully runs a large dairy enterprise.

Click here to watch the video

Michelle Collins

Our R&D Director Michelle Collins had this advice for women considering a career in STEM.

“Follow your dreams, be true to yourself, be authentic. Don’t be afraid to ask a questions or offer an opinion. But also be sure to enjoy it.”

Click here to watch the video

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