Working life

FAQ's about working at 2K Games and the gaming industry

All your questions about the 2K Games application process, the gaming industry, our internships and more

2k Games logo with various faces in the background

I submitted my resume online, but I have not heard from anyone yet.

You are probably worried that no one actually reads the resume you sent us online. Well, I can tell you unequivocally, YES WE DO READ THEM. There are real humans here on the Recruiting team, and we read your submissions faithfully. But, as you can imagine, we receive a LOT of resumes. It is physically impossible to send a personal reply to each and every one of you. We really wish we could!

When will I hear back?

If we find you are one of the strongest matches for an open role, one of our recruiters will most certainly contact you. You can be 100% sure of that. If you have not heard from us yet…. chances are we are not ready to interview you right now, or perhaps you weren’t quite the best match. We are very fortunate to have a lot of top quality candidates which means you are up against some tough competition. You are always welcome to try us again in the future.

Where can I read 2K's Privacy Policy regarding my job applicant data?

Safe Harbor Privacy Policy for Job Applicant data

You can find the Safe Harbor Privacy Policy for Job Applicant data by visiting the link below

Do you offer internships, or do you hire new grads straight out of school?

2K’s summer internships are paid internship opportunities, typically +8 weeks, focused on both functional and professional growth. Internships include weekly learning sessions with senior leadership, networking opportunities, and fun and engaging projects that have real-world impact.

2K’s summer internship program runs June through August at our 2K Publishing HQ in Novato, California. The internship program is open to all U.S residents who are students at the time of internship. We encourage new graduates to seek out our full-time roles.

Recruiting for our summer internship program starts in the fall. Check out for the most current internship opportunities.

I really want to make video games as a career. What advice can you give to help me break into the industry?

Breaking into video games is not easy. We know, we went through it ourselves. While there are many paths to success in this business, in general we recommend you get a college degree. There are many excellent programs available to study game design, or software engineering and those are great choices. Most of our Programmers have degrees in computer science or software engineering. Most of our Artists have BFA’s or other art and animation degrees. Our Game Designers come to us with everything from game design, math & physics to creative writing or even architecture. Our Marketing team looks for education in communication fields like English, mass communications, business etc. Find your passion and pursue it. Stick with it. Work hard.

Some handy links and great advice

Below are some handy links to some very smart people who have great advice for newbies. We hope this helps!

If you want to find out more from 2K Games including Where is Novato, CA and what is it like? and what to do if you have a game idea, click the link below

More FAQ's from 2K Games

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