Fás le Foras

26 Jul 2023, 15:44

Sa lá atá inniu ann tá na céadta eagraíochtaí agus grúpaí éagsúla ag feidhmiú ar son na Gaeilge. Cé acu atá bainteach le cúrsaí spóirt, cúrsaí ceoil, cúrsaí litríochta nó mar sin.

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Foras Na Gaeilge

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Foras Na Gaeilge

Sa lá atá inniu ann tá na céadta eagraíochtaí agus grúpaí éagsúla ag feidhmiú ar son na Gaeilge. Cé acu atá bainteach le cúrsaí spóirt, cúrsaí ceoil, cúrsaí litríochta nó mar sin. Níl aon amhras cé chomh tábhachtach is atá a n-iarrachtaí ar son na teanga. Caithfear aird a tharraingt orthu agus a thacú leo. Dar ndóigh bíonn Foras na Gaeilge ag plé le eagraíochtaí de gach aon shaghas ar fud fad an oileáin agus bíonn maoiniú ar fáil le cuidiú lena spriocanna agus dul chun cinn a dhéanamh.

Is ar a chaoi seo atá tionscnamh nua faoi bhun ag Foras na Gaeilge. Ba mhaith leis an bhForas na heagraíochtaí atá á thacú acu, a chur in aithne don phobal trí mheán blag nua a thosú ar líne – ‘Fás le Foras’ . Is í aidhm an tionscnaimh ‘Fás le Foras’ ná blag a fhoilsiú uair sa tseachtain ag déanamh cur síos ar eagraíocht ar leith atá an Ghaeilge á chur chun cinn acu i mbealach áirithe. Beidh an blag seo ar fáil go seachtainiúil i gcomhar le tuilleadh eolas ar na meáin shóisialta.

Déanfar trácht ar spriocanna, modhanna agus scéimeanna/iarrachtaí na heagraíochta le linn an bhlag agus beidh deis ag léitheoirí foghlaim faoi eagraíochtaí Gaelacha ar fud an oileain. Chuamar i dteagmháil leis na heagraíochtaí éagsúla seo agus mar sin beidh teistiméireachtaí ó dhaoine bainteach leo mar chuid den bhlag ionas léargas éifeachtach a thabhairt ar obair na heagraíochta.

Mar réamhspléachadh beag ar an méid atá le teacht, beidh eagraíochtaí ar nós Raidió na Life, Móinín, Young at Art, Léim na Sconsaí agus i bhfad níos mó páirteach leis an tionscnamh spéisiúil seo.

Coinnigí súil amach don chéad bhlag ag teacht go luath an tseachtain seo chugainn!

An bhfaigheann d’eagraíocht deontas ó Fhoras na Gaeilge a chuidíonn leat an teanga a chur chun cinn? Bí i dteagmháil linn ag eolas@forasnagaeilge.ie le go mbeidh bhur scéal san áireamh againn sa tsraith nua #FásLeForas.


In this day and age, there are hundreds of different organisations that exist to promote the Irish language. Some dedicated to sports, music, literature among other things and there is no doubt as to how vital a role these organisations and their efforts play in the continuance and perseverance of the language. These organisations need to be promoted so that they may be supported by the public and continue to grow. Foras na Gaeilge back all types of organisations across the island of Ireland by providing much needed funding to achieve their goals and support their efforts.

As such, Foras na Gaeilge has started a brand-new project. Foras na Gaeilge wants to raise awareness and recognition amongst the public for the organisations it supports, specifically the invaluable work and services that these organisations carry out and provide. Foras na Gaeilge aims to do this through the creation of a new online blog called ‘ Fás le Foras’ . The aim of Fás le Foras is to publish a weekly blog that discusses a particular organisation that is committed to the promotion of the Irish language. This blog will be available weekly on the website of Foras na Gaeilge , along with information on their social media.

The aims, methods and schemes/efforts of an organisation will be presented in each blog, and readers will have the opportunity to learn about Irish organisations across the island. For the purposes of this blog, we contacted the organisations themselves for testimonials from the very people involved to ensure readers would get clear insight into the organisations’ work.

A sneak peak of what’s to come in this blog series – organisations like Raidió na Life, Móinín and Young at Art along with many, many more will be in the spotlight of this very interesting project.

Keep an eye out for the first blog coming early next week!

Does your organisation receive funding from Fo ras na Gaeilge that helps you to promote the Irish language? Get in contact with us at eolas@forasnagaeilge.ie to have your organisation featured in the new blog series #FásleForas.

Foras Na Gaeilge

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This describes content that has been written and edited in close collaboration with the organisation, which has funded the feature; it is advertising. The content has been written by gradireland editors but the organisation has provided content, contributors and instruction and has approved the content.

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