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Explore all graduate advice and guidance on gradireland

On gradireland you'll find graduate careers advice on a huge range of topics – and we're adding more all the time. Compare career options with information on what to expect from working life in different sectors, then learn how you can develop your skills, gain work experience and succeed in applications and interviews. If you're not sure what you'd like to do, don't panic: we're here to help you take those first steps into making career decisions. We also have articles on how to make the most of uni life, organise your job hunt, juggle job offers and more. Whether you're in your first year of university or have already graduated, our career advice for students and graduates will set you on the right path.
Placeholder image for Careers with KPMG for Law graduates

Careers with KPMG for Law graduates

Placeholder image for Careers with KPMG for Banking graduates

Careers with KPMG for Banking graduates

Banking, insurance & financial services
Thumbnail image for Sustainability at Jacobs with the PlanBeyond programme

Sustainability at Jacobs with the PlanBeyond programme

Thumbnail image for Inclusion


Thumbnail image for Our Solutions

Our Solutions

Placeholder image for Careers with EY for finance graduates

Careers with EY for finance graduates

Accounting & finance
Placeholder image for ICT roles with Kerry

ICT roles with Kerry

Placeholder image for Operations roles with Kerry

Operations roles with Kerry

Management & business
Placeholder image for Sales roles with Kerry

Sales roles with Kerry

Sales + 1
Placeholder image for #Gradstories, Emmanuela Oluwasanya, Software Development Intern, Guidewire Software

#Gradstories, Emmanuela Oluwasanya, Software Development Intern, Guidewire Software

Placeholder image for Glanbia’s Pure Ambition Programme

Glanbia’s Pure Ambition Programme

Choosing an employer
Accounting & finance + 7
Placeholder image for Careers with EY for law graduates

Careers with EY for law graduates

undefined background image

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