Why I Chose To Do The MSc Management Strategy At DCU


Rian McBride

Upon completion of my undergraduate degree I was rather unsure of my own capabilities, lacking in motivation and confidence from an employment perspective and rather unsure of my interests and primary motivators. My undergraduate had taught me a wide range of subjects and gave me insights into various business roles and industries. While it didn’t narrow down what I had an interest in, it did give me invaluable insight into what I did not want to pursue. Upon the completion of my summer exams in final year it became apparent that further research was needed surrounding areas I had enjoyed and those that I had excelled throughout my undergraduate degree.

It was through my learnings and connections within DCU that I came across the Masters in Management (Strategy), otherwise known as MSSM. To be completely honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect. While I had enjoyed my undergraduate years in DCU, this was to be a whole new experience, meeting new people within a more competitive and challenging environment. While the course was laborious, a complete shock to the system, it gave me the opportunity to really immerse myself in the course and the requirements needed to excel. Furthermore, it gave me an opportunity to meet and collaborate with various students of unique backgrounds, of various nationalities.

On a weekly basis, I was challenged with various deadlines, multiple presentations for as much as 7 modules at a time, while attempting to balance the sporting and social elements of my life. I completed various courses provided by DCU of which are considered essential in the hiring and training processes of many emerging tech firms. Additionally, it granted me the opportunity to gain first-hand experience within various markets, ranging from established traditional firms to emerging disruptive firms growing at a rapid rate and gaining a strong foothold within highly saturated landscapes.

While the course was time consuming, it really brought forth my time management skills, and more importantly prepared me for the competitive and challenging working environment of the modern era. While I was forced out of my comfort zone, the course continuously improved areas I had struggled with in the past, while it also allowed me to hone in on areas of interest to me. I found what had worked best for me, and what I truly excel at.

With consistent pressure and continuous deadlines being met, it wasn’t until I prepared for my first interview that I realised the unique position I was in as a result of the masters. I was confident in my capabilities and the pressure I had endured throughout the course had prepared me for the various demands of the demands of the modern business environment, but more importantly I had experience and qualifications at my disposal, with extensive experience working with emerging and established firms, courses provided by industry leaders in the technological field, and a qualification from one of the most competitive and prestigious universities in the world.

While it is never easy to commit to such a challenging programme, it was made easier by the support provided my the lecturers and the university itself. I immersed myself not only in the academia, but more notably with the culture of DCU, partaking in various clubs and Socs, and attending social events which are now some of my closest friends who I had met on the course. The benefit of being on this course goes well beyond academia, it offered me a chance to experience the social aspects of college, celebrating the small wins, whether it’s the completion of a group project or winning a match with the DCU GAA teams. I am delighted to say I was part of such a supportive community and I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has an interest in upskilling and excelling their career while gaining insight to the real ‘college experience’.

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