
Christian Howarth, Claims liability adjuster, Cunningham Lindsey

25 Jan 2023, 13:36

Professional man speaking in an office environment with text overlay identifying him as a Liability Claims Adjuster.

What does your job involve?

I’m involved in managing and handling claims, from assessing the claims and making recommendations through to managing the dispute phase and then on to resolution. It’s a three step process.

What skills are important?

Teamwork, attention to detail and excellent communication skills are so important in my job. You need to articulate your concerns in writing and then plan out the next step. You need to have an interest too in what you’re doing, in order to achieve the best results.

What was your path to your career?

I started my college career in UCD in 2008 in Arts, which provided me with a great foundation. I then focused in Law in Griffith College, and I really enjoyed that and have learned a lot as it’s obviously a lot more focused than an Arts degree was and took me out of my comfort zone.

What student experiences enhanced your career?

I did a lot in college, I was very involved. In everything from plays and societies to different sports teams. I played rugby and lacrosse and made great friends. Again, getting out your comfort zone is vital in order to find out more about yourself.

What’s the best thing about your job?

What I love about my job is the problem solving and the variety of tasks. You’re always encountering different scenarios and have to come up with different solutions for them, each case is completely unique.

What advice would you have for first year students?

I would say, do more! There are so many opportunities that I wish I had taken, and would have benefitted me in some way now. Don’t say no to anything, there is always something to be learned.

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