
#GradStories Jack Rice, Facilities Manager at Lidl Ireland

22 Jun 2023, 13:24

Image for #GradStories Jack Rice, Facilities Manager at Lidl Ireland

What are your main tasks in a typical week?

There's no typical day at Lidl, everyday is different and your role can change from day to day. Some of the usual tasks a facilities manager would do is site surveys, compliance checks on stores and warehouses and meeting with different departments to collaborate on new projects, get existing equipment serviced and repaired and tendering project costs and negotiating the best price with suppliers.

What skills do you need to be successful in your role?

The main skills you need to be successful at Lidl are good communication skills, to be able to troubleshoot an issue, to be able to work off your own initiative and good time management.

How did you get into your job?

I studied sustainable systems engineering in IT Tallaght and then I went on to study energy environmental engineering at TUD. I worked for an Energy Efficiency company as a health and safety officer and then I moved over to the facilities side of things and I'm very happy where I am now.

What advice would you give to a new graduate?

I would definitely advise them to work on their project management skills. It's vital in the grad program to be able to keep the focus of the group on the project's main objectives as well as managing other people's expectations on the project.

How have you adjusted to working from home?

It's great to have the flexibility to be able to work from home but there's never any issues really because everybody's just a phone call away. It was also great to get into our new office and collaborate with different departments and meet with different employees on the social aspect of things.

What do you love about your job?

What I love most about the grad program at Lidl was the amount of responsibility and trust they're willing to give you so early. What I really love about my new role is the diverse projects I'm given, so one day you'd be working on electric car charges and the next you've been working with the canteen staff on the Christmas lunch menu.

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