Careers advice and planning

Rules for an effective job search

22 Jun 2023, 13:19

Whether you’re in your final year, or have already graduated, here are tips on the best way to find your first graduate job.

Businessman contemplating which of five doors to choose, symbolizing job search options.

Searching for a new job is almost a full-time job, as it takes hard work, time and commitment to succeed. So the last thing you want to do is to send out hundreds of CVs and wait for a reply that may never come: it’s important that you are organised and know how to go about your search. In today’s fiercely competitive market, you need to have a strategic plan for your job search before you actually begin the search, from where to look, to identifying the specific kind of roles you want to apply for. Here are seven steps that should follow when planning your job search.

Ask yourself why you are looking for a particular job?

Are you looking for a new job because you hate your current

field of work or you just want to get your career started in

any way you can? Or is it because you have become so good

at your job that you no longer feel challenged in the role you

are currently in and need to step up and find something

more stimulating?

Think about what you are looking for

Figure out what you want to do AND what you don’t want to

do. Even though you may feel quite strongly about wanting

to work in a particular sector, it’s still very important for you

to take your time to do some planning before launching into

your job hunt. At the very least, you should know which

fields or industries you are interested in, and what types of

positions you are suitable for.

Know your strengths (and weaknesses)

Now that you have a rough idea of what you’re looking for, do you

have what it takes to work in those particular fields or positions?

What are you good at? Don’t wait until the job interview to

figure these out. You’ll have to highlight them in your CV or

application or you may not even be invited for an interview.

Do your research

Find out what opportunities are out there in the fields that

you’re interested in. Take a look at the job boards, or even

company websites of businesses you are interested in. Some

job openings are not advertised, so if you know people who

are already working in those fields, talk to them. Even though

they may not have a job to offer you, they may be able to point

you in the right direction or spread the word that you are

actively looking for a job. This type of networking has proven

to be very helpful throughout the job search process.

Put the hours in

Don’t “find time” for job searching, make time! Set aside a

couple of hours a day for job searching and make sure it is

your sole focus for that time. Make it your “job”.

Set realistic goals

Your ultimate goal is to land a job, but before you get there,

you’ve got work to do. Set weekly goals for yourself, based on the

number of applications to send out, the number of company

websites to check out, etc. It will help you to stay motivated and

give you a feeling of achievement each time you meet a goal.

Hone your interview techniques

Even though you haven’t been granted an interview yet, you

should be prepared. List out some of the common interview

questions and practice, practice, and practice! This way when

you are invited for an interview you feel confident and ready

to impress!

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