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Property jobs in the public sector

22 Jun 2023, 13:22

Property graduates can get work in government bodies, local authorities and housing associations.

Feature image Property jobs in the public sector

There are opportunities for property graduates in government bodies and in local authorities.

Valuation offices

The Valuation Office is the state property valuation agency in the Republic of Ireland and values approximately 12,000 properties each year. It provides accurate, up-to-date valuations of commercial and industrial properties to ratepayers and rating authorities as laid down by statute. It also provides a property valuation consultancy service to government departments and public bodies.

The Valuation Office offers excellent opportunities for graduates to work as part of a team valuing the entire spectrum of property types. Training is provided on the job and there is an approved structured training framework in place for graduates working towards chartered status. Recruitment opportunities are advertised through your Careers Service and in the national press. Details of all positions on offer can be viewed on the website and on the Public Appointments Service website.

Land & Property Services

Land & Property Services is an executive agency within the Department of Finance and Personnel for Northern Ireland, providing rating, valuation and advice to public sector clients including the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and government departments. Graduates usually start as graduate trainee assistant valuers, working as part of a team undertaking rate assessments on both domestic and non-domestic properties. Entry requirements and training are similar to the ROI.

Office of Public Works

The Office of Public Works (OPW) manages the largest property portfolio in the Republic of Ireland, consisting of more than 1 million square metres. It ranges form prestige buildings such as Dublin Castle and Leinster House to specialist building and standard office accommodation. There are 2,100 individual buildings in locations throughout the country. Sixty per cent of the portfolio is state owned and the remainder is rented.

Services include management of the state’s property portfolio, procurement of office accommodation for government departments, valuation services and school site acquisition. In effect, the OPW acts as the agent for government departments and public sector agencies seeking accommodation.

Local authorities

Local authorities provide valuation and estate management services in relation to social and affordable housing and community services and parks development.

Opportunities for graduates include estate management including assessment of title deeds, property development and management, compulsory purchase and associated administrative work. Graduates may also be involved in appraisal and acquisition of development land, for example, purchasing greenfield sites for the development of social housing. From time to time, the City Valuers Office at Dublin City Council takes on graduate valuers on three-year contracts. Graduates are encouraged to undergo the APC process and there are opportunities to progress within the office.

Housing associations

Housing associations such as Clúid work in partnership with local housing authorities to implement their housing strategies. They undertake developments in consultation with the authorities, providing accommodation for applicants who are nominated by the housing authority.

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