Michael Martin Dunne- daa Internship Insight

27 Jun 2024, 15:47

Michael Martin Dunne is an intern working in APOC at daa. He answers a few questions on what it is like to work at daa.

Image for Michael Martin Dunne- daa Internship Insight

Michael Martin Dunne- daa Internship Insight

What does a typical day look like in your job?

Each morning I attend one of the twice-daily operational conference calls hosted by the Airport Duty Manager (ADM). Afterwards, my colleagues and I start preparing the next days operational plan for the airport, known as the D-1 Look Ahead. The APOC Plan and Review Team gather all information related to resourcing levels for all internal departments, as well as any updates they may have. Also included are the next day’s passenger and aircraft movement figures along with the weather forecast. On a twice weekly basis, we prepare presentations known as the Ops 360. This is a plan for the next 3 to 4 days of operations at Dublin Airport and is presented at a meeting chaired by the ADM and the Plan and Review Team.

What are some of your key responsibilities?

My team and I are responsible for contacting various internal stakeholders to seek resourcing levels and updates. These are included in the D-1 Look Ahead presentations and Ops 360 meetings that are distributed among Dublin Airport staff on a daily basis. Our team is responsible for highlighting any foreseen pinch points that could affect the day-to-day operations of Dublin Airport as a whole.

What made you want to do an internship at daa?

As I’m studying Aviation Management in DCU I wanted to learn more about airport operations. This was something that interested me as part of my college course. I also worked as a Ground Handling Agent for Ryanair previously and really enjoyed working at the airport. Having travelled through Dublin Airport many times as passenger, I’ve always wondered how things ran behind the scenes. This is something I wanted to learn about and have thankfully been given the opportunity to do so over the past 12 months.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt since starting?

I would say the most important thing I’ve learnt since starting in APOC Plan and Review is the importance of clear communication. Our team is responsible for gathering information from various departments, as well as creating and presenting this information at meetings. Clear communication also requires good teamwork. This is something else I have learnt over the past year and has benefited me both inside and outside the workplace.

How would you describe the culture at daa?

I would describe the culture within the daa as very welcoming. Everyone I have worked with has been extremely helpful. Everyone is happy to help you in any way they can and pass on their knowledge. The knowledge I have gained has not only helped me in my work, but also at university, by enhancing what I’ve learnt in lectures and allowing me to put things into practice.

Have you any advice for applying for an internship here?

The best advice I could give to someone applying for an internship at the daa is to take the opportunity. No two days are the same. There is always something happening at the airport and no matter where you work within the daa you will somehow be involved in these special events.

How have you benefited from your internship so far?

Since starting my internship 1 year ago I am certainly more confident. Having the opportunity to work with others on many projects, as well as attend and contribute at various meetings has helped me greatly. One of the great things about completing an internship with daa is that you are given the opportunity to contribute your ideas and work on projects with many others within the organisation.

What aspect of your job do you find most enjoyable?

I enjoy working as part of a team to meet a deadline. I also enjoy working on plans for special events and occasions- for example, the Dublin Airport Christmas plan and the UEFA Europa League Final 2024 plan.

What skills are most important for your role?

Good communication skills are very important for a role as part of the APOC Plan and Review Team as we collect all relevant information from various internal departments to include in our daily plans looking ahead for the next day’s operations. Interpersonal, organisational, and Microsoft Office skills are also important. I’ve had the opportunity to improve my computer skills considerably over the last year of my internship.

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