
#GradStories Katie Lewis, Audit Associate at KPMG Ireland

22 Jun 2023, 13:24

Image for #GradStories Katie Lewis, Audit Associate at KPMG Ireland

What does a typical week look like for you?

In audit, we’re constantly in contact with our clients and letting them know what needs to be provided by them on a daily basis. We then go through the information they provide us. We sample listings of client’s financial figures and make sure that they're accurate. We check whether companies are reporting the correct information in their financial statements. So, if a company says they've got x amount of revenue we need to verify that they actually have that revenue.

What skills do you need to be successful in your role?

Communication, teamwork and computer software skills such as knowing how to use Excel and PowerPoint are important. You do get on the job training for applications that are used within the organisation. For good communication, the key is to communicate constantly with those around you. You have to work as a team so that's both helping your other team members and delegating to the team members below you and making sure that your workload is not overloaded that you're sharing that work across the whole team.

What do you love about your job?

What I love about my job is the people. I know that sounds probably a bit cheesy, but I think the people make the job and just never get this opportunity again to work with so many people your own age like when you go into your training contract you've got those three and a half years of working with people in around between the ages of 21 and 26. KPMG organised so many social events for us.

How did you get into your job?

I never thought about accounting really. When I went into college, I did Commerce as a general kind of business degree. I just wanted to get a feel for everything to do with business. So, I studied Commerce in UCD and I liked the accounting modules the most.

When it came around to applying to placements, I applied to all the big four did interviews with all the big four and KPMG felt like the right choice for me. I liked the people and I felt comfortable during the interview.

What advice would you give to a new graduate?

Develop the skills I mentioned before. Communication and teamwork skills. Start to build those with people around you and constantly talk to people and work with them. Don't take on all group projects by yourself. Learn to share that work with other people and take advantage of everyone's skills in the group. Everybody has different strengths and weaknesses. Both college and part-time jobs are a good way of developing teamwork skills.

How have you adjusted to working from home?

To make the most of the hybrid working model, make an effort to meet people on your team when you’re in the office. Meet your managers in person rather than having Teams calls. When you’re at home, try to meet friends for lunch.

Build rapport with people in your team, go to the socials when you can and when you’re at home, maintain good contact with the people you work with.


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