Tara Treacy, R&D Graduate at PepsiCo


Tara Treacy

R&D Graduate


What course did you do in college? And what was it about that course that interested you?

I did Nutritional Science in UCC and what interested me in that course was just getting a more indepth look at health and wellness, and seeing how we can live a more nutritious lifestyle.

Why did you decide to apply for a Graduate role with PepsiCo?

I did a placement up in Naas, and on that placement I realised that I really wanted to work in the Food and Beverage industry. I head seen some previous PepsiCo Graduate roles online and the work seemed really interesting and appealing, especially within the R&D space and linked well with what I had done in college.

What was the recruitment process like?

Really easy and straightforward! I had two interview rounds and I heard back pretty quickly after each round.

What does a typical day at work look like for you?

I’m on flexi hours, so I come in at 7.30am to 4pm, which suits me as I’m a morning person! I’m mainly in the lab doing powder testing, and sometimes I’m in the Pilot Plant doing trials.

I’m also involved with different initiatives in PepsiCo like “The Green Team” and STEM, so sometimes my days might involve team meetings to plan what is coming up.

What do you enjoy about working for PepsiCo?

I like the community and sense of belonging. I feel like everyone is just like one big family looking out for each other! If you’re having an off day, everyone respects how you’re feeling.

I also love the ability to grow professionally and personally, it’s nice that there are a lot of internal trainings that you can sign up to and upskill yourself.

What advice would you give a graduate who is thinking about working for PepsiCo?

Just apply – you have nothing to lose! With PepsiCo you won’t be disappointed, it’s amazing and I’m really happy to be here.

What's your favourite PepsiCo product?

I love the Ready Salted Crisps by Walkers!

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