Verizon Sustainability

15 Sept 2023, 08:07

Moving forward sustainably.


Our path to operational net zero.

Over 90% of our operational carbon footprint comes from the electricity we use to power our networks. Because these scope 2 emissions make up the bulk of our operational footprint, our path to operational net zero is focused on two key drivers: maximizing the energy efficiency of our networks and facilities and transitioning to renewable energy. Learn more

Verizon issues its fifth $1 billion green bond

Verizon settled its fifth green bond offering of $1 billion, with the net proceeds expected to be allocated entirely toward renewable energy investments to accelerate the transition to greener electrical grids across the U.S. Learn more

Addressing climate-related risks and opportunities.

We have adopted the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and published our first report aligned with these guidelines. Read report here

Transitioning to renewable energy

Verizon expects to source renewable energy equivalent to 50% of our annual electricity usage by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

Verizon is also developing on-site green energy generation at our administrative offices and other facilities. Since 2013, we have installed 37.6 megawatts (MW) of on-site green energy.

Helping customers reduce carbon emissions.

As a global communications technology leader, we recognize that our networks and connected solutions can help millions of customers save energy and reduce their own carbon emissions.

Since 2018, Verizon solutions have enabled the avoidance of over 73 million metric tons of CO2e.

In 2022, Verizon solutions enabled the avoidance of over 15.2 million metric tons of CO2e, equivalent to taking nearly 3.3 million cars off the road for one year.

Recycling and waste diversion

Across our operations, we work to conserve resources and
divert waste from landfills.

  • In 2022, Verizon reused or recycled approximately 43.4 million pounds of e-waste, including 1.6 million pounds of plastic and 2.7 million pounds of lead-acid batteries.
  • To support our communities in safely recycling e-waste, Verizon sponsors free recycling events open to our employees and the public. Community members can bring e-waste items ranging from a personal computer to a television to a toaster for safe disposal. We aim to collect and recycle 10 million pounds of e-waste from our communities by 2026. Since 2009, we have collected over 7 million pounds.

Water conservation

We recognize that water is an extremely important resource and are focused on reducing water use across our facilities. We reduced water usage by 23% from 2016 to 2022.


Transforming our fleet

We are in the process of transforming our fleet from relying on internal combustion engines to using clean energy technologies. As part of this effort, we are planning to electrify much of our customer-facing fleet through suitable light-duty EVs. We are also prioritizing the design and construction of charging stations at Verizon locations that house the largest concentrations of fleet vehicles. Learn more

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