Meet Rosie, an Early Careers Manager


Rosie Buckley

Early Careers Manager


What really stands out in an application form?

We want to get to know individuals through their application forms, so encourage candidates to be themselves and really talk about their personal experiences and motivations, rather than try to fit a certain mould. It really stands out when someone has tailored their application for Dentons specifically, showing a deep level of research into the firm.

While there is definitely a lot of information you can reuse, candidates should try to avoid the temptation when making lots of applications to copy and paste their answers between different application forms.

What kind of extracurricular activities really impress you on an application?

We don’t look for any one type of extracurricular activity on forms, in the past we've seen everything from sports teams to Harry Potter societies. What we do look for are transferable skills such as collaboration and drive, so candidates should make sure to highlight these when explaining their extracurricular activities.

What are the main reasons you reject a training contract or vacation scheme application?

It might seem simple but it's really important to pay attention to detail and to the structure of answers on forms to ensure you answer the question fully. It's such a shame to reject candidates whose motivations and own research into the firm and career pathway has not been drawn into their answers.

After spending time working on an application, you may not be able to spot spelling mistakes or where amends for clarity may be needed. If candidates can, we recommend asking someone to proofread their answers before submitting them. You might also choose to use AI to proofread your work, and we suggest you check changes carefully to ensure you are happy with them before submitting.

Vacation schemes and other work experience

We don’t expect our Vacation Schemers to know everything straight away, or get things right the first time, but we do want to see an enthusiasm to learn and develop. It's really important to showcase this on the scheme by asking questions, actively requesting feedback and by engaging with team meetings.

Successful vacation schemers also make effort to really understand what makes Dentons unique and need to articulate this in their final interview. The key to doing this is asking lots of questions and making the most of the available resources during the scheme.

Our Vacation Scheme students take part in a two-week programme which involves sitting in two mini-seats within the firm's practice areas. We assess Vacation Scheme students via feedback from their supervisors and trainee buddies across the two weeks, as well as a final interview at the end of the scheme.

We don’t expect applicants, especially for Vacation Schemes, to have any directly related work experience. What we want to see is an active interest in commercial law, and evidence of transferable skills which are key for a trainee and aspiring commercial lawyer.

Candidates can showcase their interest by listing events and virtual programmes on their applications. Dentons have a virtual programme, Experience Dentons hosted only on our Challengers website, which is a great way to learn more about a career in commercial law and the skills that make a successful commercial lawyer.

In terms of transferable skills, these can be developed in almost any work experience or volunteering. Candidates should include all kinds of work experience, legal and non-legal, and make sure they talk about the skills they developed on the application form.

Law fairs

How can somebody make the right impression at a law fair?

Candidates should come prepared with questions. Research the firms beforehand so you can ask relevant questions and make the most of the experience. There is a lot of information available online, attending law fairs are a great chance to ask the questions you can't find the answers to online.

Assessment days and interviews

What skills and competencies do you look for candidates to demonstrate on assessment days?

There are lots of skills that most firms are looking for on assessment days, including organisation, communication and collaboration. At Dentons, we are also looking for candidates who are problem solvers and innovators, and who have strong motivation and drive.

Motivation for the job is usually something that is looked for in the interview during our assessment process. We look for students to have an understanding of the work we do and be able to relate it back to their skills and experiences. When it comes to talking about the firm specifically, we want to see a depth of research past the information available on our website as this demonstrates how the candidate sees themselves as a good match to be a trainee at Dentons.

STEM students

How can non-law students show their commitment to a career in law when they haven’t necessarily been exposed to university law societies, law clinics and mooting events?

There are now a wealth of virtual resources available to students, which are a good starting point for non-law students to develop their understanding of a career in law. Attending these and actively engaging in them is a great way to show commitment. There are also more law opportunities geared specifically to non law students, including events and societies.

I would also recommend non-law students apply to Open and Insight Days. These events are often the first step on the journey to a Training Contract.

We also have our award-winning virtual work experience programme: Experience Dentons. This five-day programme is one that gives participants a unique insight into life as a commercial lawyer, an inside look at the firm, and exercises that will strengthen and develop their legal skills and knowledge. It is open access and you can complete at your own pace.

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