Benie Mambouana - Fidelity Investments

Benie Mambouana speaks about how she entered the fintech world at Fidelity Investments and offers some advice to graduates looking to do the same.


Benie Mambouana

Associate Software Engineer

Fidelity Investments Ireland

One of the most exciting parts of the tech industry is how early-stage professionals can start out on one path, only to discover a whole new area that they want to explore.

That’s what happened to Benie Mambouana, who did a four-year bachelor’s degree in games design and development at Limerick IT, which is now part of Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS). She now works as an associate software engineer at Fidelity Investments.

“I’d never heard of fintech until I did a six-month work placement at a small fintech start-up in Madrid,” she told

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