Working life

Guidewire Basecamp: Navigating My Career Journey

25 Jan 2023, 13:32

Interning at Guidewire means uncharted challenges from day one. Our interns have the flexibility to explore and learn about various tech career options and ultimately grow and advance in their careers. With new skills learned every step of the way, Guidewire Basecamp sets up interns and graduates for success! Emily Hynes experienced the journey from Guidewire intern to full-time employee first-hand. Read about Emily's experience as a Software Development Intern and beyond!

Navigating my career journey

Supporting You to Thrive

I originally started out as an intern at Guidewire, it was an amazing experience that allowed me to explore so many areas in software development. I was very excited to be returning as a graduate, especially being placed in one of the teams I worked with as an intern. The main difference I felt coming back as a graduate was that I was a lot more confident than I was when I first joined Guidewire.

I grew and developed so many skills as an intern, and I've continued this growth as a graduate. I did my internship during the pandemic, so I had never been into the office before! My first day as a graduate was my first time meeting some of the amazing people I had worked with as an intern.

A Day in the Life at Guidewire

The first thing I do pretty much every morning is attend a standup meeting with my team. There we give updates on the tasks we're working on. After that, I grab a quick cup of coffee then start into my work for the day. I might catch up with a few of my teammates throughout the day. The tasks I work on vary from week to week so it's always fresh and exciting!

Collaborating Across the Globe

I really enjoy the flexibility that hybrid work allows for. Usually I'm 3 weeks remote, 1 week in the office. My team is actually spread between Ireland, Germany and Poland, and we work together seamlessly! I might not see them all face to face but we work amazingly together.

My advice to future interns and graduates? You're not going to know everything, but you will learn a lot in a short space of time! Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and find out how things work!

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