Guidewire Basecamp: Navigating My Career Journey - Frank

12 Apr 2023, 09:45

You choose the door, we'll give you the key. Guidewire Basecamp provides all the resources you need to discover your tech career. From intern to graduate and beyond, you'll be able to go your own way and get hands-on experience, all while being supported by teammates and mentors. Read about Frank's experience and how he was able to Leap Further in his career at Guidewire.

Guidewire Basecamp

Growing From Intern to Graduate

Joining Guidewire as an intern really gave me a good glimpse into what I was working toward in school. Joining this field a little later in my school career, I always felt like my only experience was schoolwork and personal projects, which for me felt unrealistic. Coming into the internship, I didn’t really know what to expect. But I was greeted by an energetic team that wanted to see me develop my skills and succeed. With a team of three interns, we formed an idea for a project, planned our strategy and executed. The whole time we were guided by a team of passionate developers and some of the managers. When I finished the internship, I had developed skills that I brought back to school and had amazing success with. Upon finishing school, I felt as though I had a lot more I wanted to learn and develop, and I knew Guidewire was the place I wanted to do that.

The Day-to-Day

Now in my day-to-day work as a Consultant 1 in the GSC, I have been working on a project for a few months. I get to work directly with our clients and other consultants and developers to implement solutions for our customers. A favourite part of my day is getting to work alongside my peers to come up with a solution to a problem. Everyone at Guidewire has been so patient and helpful in my transition into my career.

I work remotely primarily, and I get to work with colleagues all over the world. It’s a unique situation that I feel I am still adjusting to. Getting to talk to and engage with my global teammates is very special.

More from Frank

To continue reading about Frank's journey and how Guidewire have helped him to fulfill his career ambitions, click the link below.

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